OLLI E-solutions CC, Thomas Breugnot Namibia and Africa One Click Employment Solution Welcome to Empploy Namibia – Your Trusted Partner for Domestic and SME Digital Employment Solutions in Namibia and Across Africa At Empploy.com, we understand the unique challenges businesses face in ...
OLLI E-solutions CC, Thomas Breugnot The e-government revolution In recent years, the dematerialization of public services has become a pillar of the digital strategy of many African states, as illustrated by the Smart Rwanda Master Plan or the partnership signed a...
OLLI E-solutions CC, Thomas Breugnot Slow is Fast Slow is Fast It's the translation of an old Latin expression, festina lente , "hurry slowly" . This means that by trying to do things too quickly, we often waste time going back to correct our mistake...
OLLI E-solutions CC, Thomas Breugnot Emerging Valley Africa has 1.3 billion inhabitants, 60% of whom are under the age of 30. Africa is the future. It's the birthplace of startups, it's revolutionizing digital transformation, and this digital force is g...
OLLI E-solutions CC, Thomas Breugnot Hiring in Gabon Le Contrat de Travail au Gabon Ci-dessous les étapes qu'Empploy suit pour l'établissement d'un contrat de travail au Gabon. La CNSS au Gabon Empploy vous accompagne dans les processus documentaires et... CNSS Gabon
OLLI E-solutions CC, Thomas Breugnot The informal sector in Africa Present on almost every continent, the informal sector is particularly noticeable in Africa, to the point of being perceived by some as the rule. Indeed, the scale of the informal sector in Africa is ...